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Arizona GOP Chair Resigns

Arizona GOP Chair Resigns

This is pretty much old news by now, or maybe not.  Former Arizona Governor's candidate Kari Lake is now running for U.S. Senate for Arizona when Kyrsten Sinema is up for re-(s)election this year.

The former Arizona GOP chair tried to 'ask' her to not run for that seat.  Mr. DeWitt tried to claim that this audio is edited.  I'll just let you listen for yourself.  Oh. He did resign.  In case you didn't hear.

"An audio recording obtained by reveals the extraordinary moment when what appears to be Arizona's top Republican official tried to bribe populist firebrand Kari Lake not to run in the state's Senate race.

"Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years. 'There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,' he tells her in a conversation recorded at the start of March last year. "

Audio recording reveals the moment that senior Republican figure tried to bribe Kari Lake not to run for Senate

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