2014 Road Trip Nevada and Arizona

This trip I thought about a few different things.  Wanted to hit some of Nevada's ghost towns along US 95, then I was meeting someone to go up the back way 4x4 trail to Crown King, AZ.  I went around California and through Burns, OR.  Little did I know what was going to happen less than two years later there.  Then I hit the Mogollon Rim above Payson, then on to the White Mountains.  Passed by the gravesite for an Apache Police officer I knew, Tenny Gatewood.  He was killed over a twelve pack.

I met someone for a day in Tucson and we went to Tombstone.  then back home via Lake Powell.  Had to take the detour around the then washed out US 89 on Navajo Rd 20 near Page, AZ.  The last few pictures are a geocache in Ryolite, NV and a couple of pics from Tombstone, AZ

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