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California Teachers Union Authorizes Strike Over Palestine

California Teachers Union Authorizes Strike Over Palestine

First off, and I know I will get hate for this, but President Biden did give a speech about the way the Pro terrorist college protestors are protesting that I actually did agree with, and I hear he's paying for it.

The link to the part I liked is below in this article.

However, we know that California does not live in reality.  I mean they have Hollywood the home of fantasy and it fucking shows, doesn't it? In keeping, even though these poor kids that don't have a life and whose parents must have more money than they know what to do with protesting in favor of some people that if they met in person and saw what they're really like they'd never support.

I'll stop there because the amount of double standards are staggering.

"The union representing workers at the University of California system has voted to authorize a strike over the system’s handling of pro-Palestinian protests on its 10 campuses.

"The vote came amid activist calls to divest from Israel at the UC system’s Board of Regents meeting this week. It also came days after UC Berkeley’s encampment, like several others across the country, dismantled in exchange for administrators agreeing to explore divestment options — an example of recent dealmaking that has been harshly criticized by some Jewish groups for imposing no consequences on protesters who contributed to what they call a hostile environment for Jewish students."

U of California workers authorize strike in response to treatment of pro-Palestinian protesters

 Below is the excerpt of President Biden's speech to the protestors:

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