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Changes to Arizona Voting Laws

Changes to Arizona Voting Laws

Like all states, Arizona has passed a few new voting laws, and of course, Cartel Katie Hobbs vetoed her fair share of them.

"Arizona enacted 10 election-related bills in the first half of 2024, the second most of any state with a divided government. New laws change the deadline for certifying elections, modify rules for hand-counted post-election audits, and add new notification requirements if a voter’s registration is changed: (see the article linked below)

"Governor Katie Hobbs (D) also vetoed seven bills passed by the Republican-controlled legislature. One of those bills would have made school board elections partisan, and another would have banned election officials from sending voter registration cards to anyone who’s mailing address is not in the state. As of June 2024, school board elections are partisan in four states, while five other states allow school districts to choose whether their elections are partisan."

Arizona lawmakers implement a new deadline for certifying results, while Governor Katie Hobbs vetoes other changes

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