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Clinton Payoffs Not Prosecuted

Clinton Payoffs Not Prosecuted

We have heard that Donald Trump was convicted for 34 felony counts related to settling out of court with Stormy Daniels.  Stormy claimed a sexual encounter with then candidate Trump so Trump had his lawyer handle it.

Since Stormy wanted to go to court, an out of court settlement was decided upon which Trump's lawyer paid.  Now the way I see that, that would be considered a legal expense, right?  I mean, when you pay your lawyer, it is for legal services rendered, right?  But not in the case of a former President that the opposition dearly wants out of the way, no matter what.  Now that their assasination attempt failed.

But who else did this?  Former President Clinton.  Why wasn't he charged?  Reckon that answer is easy to come by.  Just read up and see some of the details.  Almost the same stuff as Trump's 'crimes'.  OH, 34 counts, one for each check?  Hahahaha.

"President Clinton sent an $850,000 check to Paula Jones yesterday, finally closing out the sexual harassment lawsuit that continues to imperil his presidency, and in a surprise move, financed nearly half the settlement with his own money.

To come up with the funds he agreed to pay two months ago, the president had to take $375,000 out of a blind trust containing investments for him and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The other $475,000 came from a separate deal with an insurance company that funded part of his legal defense and agreed to buy out the president's personal liability policy."

Clinton Payment Ends Jones Suit

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