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High Prices Are Here To Stay

High Prices Are Here To Stay

Kamala Harris had said repeatedly in her campaign ads that she will lower the price of the goods we buy.  Any body that buys that is an idiot.  She sat there while her boss let them rise.

I mean what can any President do to actually force the market(s) to lower their prices?  There's plenty of policy measures like mandatory vaccines that make many people leave the work force that makes them go up, how do you reverse that?

Even the good old International Monetary Fund has declared that this is the new normal, these higher costs of living are just here to stay.  And there is not much anyone can do about it.

Unless of course, you planned on being a Dictator.

  • The IMF boss states that higher prices are making many people feel worse off and angry.
  • The biggest challenges ahead include low growth and high debt, according to the IMF.
  • The IMF also expresses concern over the expanding conflict in the Middle East affecting regional economies and oil markets.

IMF boss warns higher prices are 'here to stay' amid weak growth and rising debt

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