News and Information

No Media Bias Here

No Media Bias Here

We just had the one year anniversary of the 'insurrection'.  I found this video put together by the New York Times back in July on the subject.  It is hard to listen to the heavy rhetoric, but then there's another

way to think about it, which also can make you angry.  While the reporter is giving his descriptors of the crowd as they go through barricades, etc., it is odd to think to yourself that you could just as well be watching video of any one of the massive violent protests during the summer of 2020 and the commentary could be the same.  And it should have been.  But it wasn't as we all know.

Three other things of note; first being it was mentioned that there were millions of Facebook and other social media postings leading up to Jan 6 talking about violence.  I know this for a fact as I read a posting from a Texas militia about causing trouble on that day.  That is when I decided not to go.  But there's a bunch more in the video.  Apparently, part of the reason it seemed as though the capitol police were leading the protestors in, was to lead them in certain directions away from the members of Congress.  Third, which ties into the real bias of this is at about 7:01. They suddenly decide to show "simultaneous footage" at the most opportune time during Trump's speech which of course cuts the audio just like the House did for the second impeachment trial.

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