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Send Privateers to the Border

Send Privateers to the Border

Arr beegarr matey!  The Arizona/Mexico border has always been a 'hot spot' for civilian border patrols.  I used to communicate with Chris Simcox.  Of course, the media always attacks them with the usual hate speech.

Actually the activity dates back over a hundred years now.  But here a Senator has brought up a centuries old idea that would give them Constitutional legitimacy.

This might make life even easier for Tim Foley[1] and the Arizona Border Recon.

"Republican Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) suggested Wednesday that Congress and President Trump should allow private citizens, or “pirates,” to take on cartels at the Mexican border to protect national security.

"“Privateers is what they’re called,” he said. “Letters of marque and reprisal are authorized under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10 of the Constitution.”

"“Look, it hasn’t happened in a couple of centuries,” Lee replied. “So, I’m not gonna kid you here into thinking this is a certainty to pass. What I’m saying is that it should be considered.”

GOP Sen. Mike Lee suggests letting ‘pirates’ take on cartels on the border

If you have the time, this movie is a good watch, it features Arizona Border Recon and a citizen group deep in Mexico; the solution to the cartel(s) are the same on both sides, civilians.

Cartel Land

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