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Another UNRWA School Harbors Hamas

Another UNRWA School Harbors Hamas

The "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the near east", or UNRWA is the Palestinian terrorist supporting arm of the United Nations, thanks in part to tax dollars.  Cool, huh?

I mean, hell, check out that link and it's pretty much on the home page.  They will act like it is all Israel's fault.  Israel is sick and tired of almost twenty years of eruptions of major rocket barrages out of Gaza, which have prompted Israel retaliations.  When they just shoot a few here and there with no effect, which happens often in-between these major events we hear of, they just figure, hell, "We swatted down their useless flies this time, leave the children be".

October 7, 2023.  The fifty year anniversary of the Yom Kipper war where they experienced their last major surprise attack.  Hamas cut the fence and rushed over to a outdoor concert and went to town on Israel's young people.  They murdered well over a thousand people, took over a hundred hostages some of which have yet to be returned.  Some of which have come back as bodies.  Israel has decided that Hamas has to go.  I think it's about time.  Hamas even recently agreed to a cease fire, then changed their terms at the last minute.  Yeah, just like Arafat at Camp David in 2000.

It has long been alleged that the UNRWA schools in Gaza, where they have more than half of their schools, harbors Hamas operatives.  Tunnels and arms caches.  The UNRWA fervently denies this, so the rest of the world just takes them at their word, denouncing any evidence that they do, in fact, exist.

Think about it.  Hamas has total control of the Gaza strip.  When aid gets in especially now, People are being shot by Hamas to keep away from the trucks.  Do you think for a minute that they will let the UNRWA do any thing at all in the Gaza strip without being able to intimidate the organization to hush hush about the tunnels, otherwise they'll kill all the UNRWA workers.  Period.

No proof, just an Occam's razor thought . . .

Look at the different headlines for this story and note from where they come.

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