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Are Honest Opinions of Biden Now Allowed?

Are Honest Opinions of Biden Now Allowed?

President Biden.  The darling of the media for the last four plus years.  They picked on every single decision that President Trump made, and even when he changed it because of critics, they didn't like that either.

It was kind of like this white privilege thing where if you're white, you are automatically a racist.  The press was all over Trump for any little thing.  His health and age of course were part of the attacks.

Then when we get President Biden with his obvious decline from his age, he is still the media darling.  He couldn't do anything wrong.  No matter how many lies he told, not a word.  It was like George Orwell's 1984.  Any criticism was not allowed nor heard.  I could wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that his administration may have had a lot of Barack Obama and by extension, Hillary Clinton holding the puppet strings.

Anyways, it looks like the gloves are coming off and history is going to be honest about this travesty we've gone through for the last four years.

  • Americans have a dimmer view of Joe Biden's presidency than they did of Donald Trump's or Barack Obama's, according to a new poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
  • Around one-quarter of U.S. Adults said Biden was a 'good' or 'great' president, with less than 1 in 10 saying he was 'great' according to the survey.
  • Disappointment was especially high among Black and Hispanic Americans, with only about 3 in 10 believing Biden kept his promises, compared to 6 in 10 for Obama.
  • Most Americans believe history will judge Biden harshly, with 54% saying he will be remembered as a poor or below-average president according to a Gallup poll.

Americans have dimmer view of Biden than they did of Trump or Obama as term ends, AP-NORC poll finds

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