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No Matter What, I'm a Racist

No Matter What, I'm a Racist

I am stumped.  I have never in my life judged anyone by their looks.  When I first made my 'venture' out into the big wide world, in Lake Elsinore, California, my first friends were indians, mexicans and black people.

Hell many were mixed couples.  I didn't give a shit.  I quickly learned who I could trust and who I couldn't.  And that had not one god damned thing to do with skin color.  Lake Elsinore was quite a different place in 1979 than it is today.

Hell, back then a "n word" meant a person of low character, not to be trusted. Had nothing to do with skin color, agreed upon by all my peers of all colors.

Nowadays, since I was born with light colored skin, I guess I am supposed to have been privileged.  Or an oppressor.  If that is the truth, well, I was my own best oppressor because you should see my income now that I'm retired.

Look at the picture above. I told someone once that I don't know how to act around other colors anymore. They think that confirms me being a racist.

Hmm. Look at that picture above and tell me how you feel about it.

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