News and Information

Arkansas Proposes Changes to Their FOIA

Arkansas Proposes Changes to Their FOIA

Have you ever heard of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?  It is supposedly the way for the public to see the .gov documents that outline certain procedures and actions taken by the .gov in its myriad of muck.

Folks have used the FOIA for many things that helps expose what the .gov sometimes does in secret.  But not all politicians think we the people should know what they're really up to.

"Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Friday during her call for a special legislative session plans to overhaul the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, saying the state's sunshine law slows state government operations and exposes her and other constitutional officers to security risks.

A bill, backed by the Republican governor, would expand exemptions for records from disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, including records related to the governor's security, policymaking process for state agencies and records prepared by an attorney representing a state official. The bill also would make it harder for those who win lawsuits against local government agencies under the Freedom of Information Act to recover attorney's fees."

Sanders proposes overhaul to Arkansas’ Freedom of Information Act

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