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David Hogg and Mental Health

David Hogg and Mental Health

I know folks like to barf and shit on my articles sometimes, but I'm just showing all that bullshit out there.  Here's a real good one.  Remember David Hogg?  It is sad that he has to relive the events that day at Parkland, FL.

Over and over.  I suppose that would make him an 'expert' at one mental health issue.  How easily we are to be manipulated.   Surprised Greta Thurberg wasn't there as well.  She is certifiable.

"Hundreds gathered June 20, in Athens, Greece, for Power and Purpose: A Symposium on Mental Health and Democratic Agency, hosted by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute of Johns Hopkins University.

"A panel on intergenerational reflections on mental health in activism featured Julia Verónica Matus Madrid, a feminist activist in Chile since the time of the Pinochet dictatorship, and David Hogg, a gun control advocate and survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. They shared lessons about preserving their mental health and sense of agency in the face of repression or democratic failure. SNF Agora faculty member Consuelo Amat, an expert in state repression, resistance, and the development of civil society in authoritarian regimes, served as moderator."

SNF Agora Institute hosts symposium on mental health and democratic agency

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