You'd think the law breakers would have learned several years ago when the Latino community faced serious backlash for waving Mexican flags in their immigration reform protests here in the United States.
Nope. We live on such limited information now days, in spite of how much and how easy it is to still find so many things out to be true, false, or already done; is. So, we have these folks, many here illegally, protesting the fact that the law is going to be enforced here, and to protest, they wave flags of other countries? I guess they're smoking the real good shit.
- Several immigration protests popped up around central Phoenix on Monday, Feb. 3, with one ending up at the capitol and catching the attention of some members of the GOP.
- Protests, like this one, are rallying against President Donald Trump's tough immigration stance and the actions of his administration.
- Deportations of illegal immigrants was a campaign promise he made, and appears to be following through on.
Immigration protests in Phoenix take over streets near downtown
"Hundreds carrying flags and signs gathered Wednesday at the Arizona Capitol to protest President Donald Trump's policies.
"An afternoon protest included people chanting "Stop the coup!" and "Eat the rich!" as they moved toward Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza in Phoenix, eventually making rounds around the capitol complex. Some of the signs being held read "Stand up for freedom" and "Stop the tyrant."
'Fight for our country!': Protesters gather at AZ Capitol opposing Trump, mass deportation
Let's now take a quick trip to Bakersfield, CA where this woman has been on a one person crusade to reclaim a park in Bakersfield as Mexico. And she's threatening death when she is stopped. See that in the first video below, it'll make your blood boil. Then of course, the media conducts an interview where she relates her tearful sad story to the camera; the genesis of which started with an illegal entry by her parents as you'll see in the second video. She was an anchor baby who got separated from her parents when they got deported. Constitutionally, she should have gone with her parents.
Local activist for immigrant rights stands in solo protest outside Bakersfield City Hall
Woman arraigned on charges related to Hart Park flag incident