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The Harm to Children Over "Gender Identity"

The Harm to Children Over "Gender Identity"

I do not care who you are or what you say, but making children question their sexual identity before they figure it out for themselves is just evil, evil, evil.  I could care less when one is an adult what the hell they identify as.

But that is and always should be reserved for adults.  I have had plenty of friends "in the community" for decades.  Not that we were real close, but I never thought to deny them their freedom of choice.

Not my job.

But going after our children just smacks wrong, wrong, wrong.  Here's a few articles and links, one of course to the Mayo Clinic who's motivation is of course, to sell procedures.  Just like selling vaccines for a made up "deadly plague".  Do make sure to read the last article linked, it is the best overview.

"A young mother who transitioned from female to male as a troubled teenager before detransitioning shared the regret and permanent health problems she now faces as a result.

""I feel like I was an experiment and gender ideology has robbed me of my health in the future," Prisha Mosley said in a new interview cautioning other young people who are considering making the same choice."

Young mother facing permanent health problems after gender transition; warns she was sold a 'lie'

I feel very bad actually re-posting the below from the Mayo Clinic:

"Sex assigned at birth and gender identity are two separate things. Sex assigned at birth is typically made based on external genital anatomy. But gender identity is the internal sense of being male, female, or a gender along the spectrum between male and female. People communicate their gender to others through gender expression. This may be done through mannerisms, clothing and hairstyles."

Children and gender identity: Supporting your child

Here's some more common sense:

"As new gender ideologies are promoted throughout America, their lies will impact not only those who suffer from gender dysphoria, but all children who need to mature in their self-understanding as a boy or girl, man or woman, a potential husband or wife, father or mother.

"Never mind that the best studies of gender dysphoria show that between 80 and 95 percent of children who express a discordant gender identity will come to identify with their bodily sex if natural development is allowed to proceed."

Transgender Ideology Hurts Kids

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