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Trump is Going to Lose

Trump is Going to Lose

If for some reason Donald J Trump does 'win' in this years' Presidential (s)election, the fix is already in for that as well.  I won't mention all the other means the Harris campaign has been using, but here is a congressman.


But the rest of the article is actually about the swamp's plan in case he did.  Similar to Nancy Pelosi's impeachment plan before the 2016 election, and the Jan 2017 impeachment plan, here they are already planning up to civir war type actions.

Isn't it odd that he's already planning a way to usurp a lawfully elected person to office?  Isn't that supposed to be insurrection?  Or is it truly just ok.  I mean, the media et. al. have stirred up so much hatred for Donald Trump with their sham case in New York (34 felonies, one for each check? Really) that the school of fish feel like it is full on open season.  The constitution be damned.  Laws be damned.  Even Supreme Court of the United States decisions be damned. Hell I remember another time that happened.  It was a Democrat then too.

Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act.

Pay close attention to the link in the second paragraph below.  It leads to a site called legal resurrection dot com.  Show a congressman who plans on using the 14th amendment to stop Trump's win.  Against the Supreme Court.  Full video below the article link.

"A resurfaced video shows Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) unveiling a plan for Congress to implement “civil war conditions” and disqualify former President Donald Trump if he wins the November presidential election.

According to Legal Insurrection, Raskin’s comments were given in February during an appearance at the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C., prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling that individual states could not prohibit Trump from appearing on the ballot by using the 14th Amendment."

Video: Democrat congressman calls for ‘civil war conditions,’ to disqualify Trump if he wins

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