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Where The UN Aid to Gaza Ends Up

Where The UN Aid to Gaza Ends Up

All the college students and media (most) sources in the world will always tell you Israel is at fault for all the Palestinians' problems.  That simply is not true.  The Arabs have used the Palestinians for decades now as pawns.

Then further down the line, the Palestinian dictatorship(s) [Fatah and Hamas] that have ruled the Palestinian people for almost two decades straight now without elections are any voter participation have been using their citizens including women and children (the choice for Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad) as human fodder for them to garner as much international aid as they can for themselves.  All the while blaming Israel for their peoples' woes and their people believe it.

Here is a familiar sight.  Just like in what Mogadishu?  Somalia?  Some other north African country where the United Nations sends in food and the war lords seizes it:

Here we have Hamas doing that in the Gaza strip while college professors in our country cheer them on.

"Against the backdrop of repeated calls for a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, footage released Monday from the southern part of the Strip shows hungry refugees clamoring for aid trucks entering Rafah from Egypt.

"A group of armed men then appears to emerge out of a white pickup truck while firing into the air, presumably to scare away the looters, while beating some of them who managed to climb onto the truck with their rifle butts. The BBC in Arabic described the armed men as "policemen.""

Starving Gazans raid UN aid trucks, Hamas fire warning shots

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