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White House Steps Into the Colorado River

White House Steps Into the Colorado River

 I guess President Biden wants control of everything consolidated at the federal level.  Who would have thought.  I guess he's said he's going to pay for the Baltimore bridge.  Crap, Now it'll take years and trillions.

Here, Joe want's to step into my state's water supply.  Why water in the southwest?  The northwest has a shit-ton more than we have down here.  Let him pipe some of theirs to Arizona.  C'mon man!

But in all actuality, another .gov stomping on the Constitution.

"The Biden administration took action Wednesday for a historic agreement among Western states to conserve vital water supplies.

""Today, the Biden-Harris administration is taking another key action to bolster water resilience in the Basin States, leveraging historic investments from the president’s Investing in America agenda to build a more sustainable and equitable future for communities across the West," said White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi."

Biden admin greenlights plan to reduce western states' vital water supply: 'Equitable future'

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