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ATF Kills Director of Clinton Airport

ATF Kills Director of Clinton Airport

Arkansas, the home of the Clinton's.  Reckon they'all have an airport named after them now.  Both of them.  The Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport.  I think the airport code is EPSTIENDIDNTKILLHIMSELF.  Long, like the name.

But why this raid?  Did this director see too many flights in and out?  Doubt it.  I'm sure there's nothing to see here.  I'm sure it is standard procedure to send ten vehicles of agents who black out the cameras first and such.  You read.  You watch.  You decide.

Oh, by the way, I don't do bullshit.  The story is true. No solid explanation.

"A new video from the recent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) raid on the home of the director of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Arkansas shows that ATF agents covered up a security camera before conducting the armed raid on the gun owner’s residence. "

Videos: ATF covered up camera before raiding gun owner’s home

"On Sunday, Bud Cummins, attorney for the estate of Bryan Malinowski, released two videos of the raid onBryan Malinowski's residence that happened on March 19th.

"Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raided his Chenal Valley home just before sunrise.

""At this stage there is no publicly available evidence showing whether agents knocked on the door or announced their presence, adequately identifying themselves. Bryan’s wife Maer only heard loud banging immediately followed by the crash of the front door being forced open," Cummins told KATV in a written statement. "

Videos of ATF raid on Bryan Malinowski's home released, use of force questioned

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