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Gates Foundation to Boost Death in Africa

Gates Foundation to Boost Death in Africa

The Controlyavirus introduced us to a whole new gamut of medical terms and jargon and especially a new way to vaccine, the mNRA or Messenger DNA vehicle.  Nothing wrong with it, right?

I'm going to say the jury is out on that.  This is a new way to vaccinate that really got rushed through and we really do not know how well they work.  after all, the 'jab' went from 100% effective to needing multiple 'booster' shots and then it's down to what less than 80%?  Well, you can't find anyone who will give a real percentage now a days, but here's some reading from the CDC.  There arfe also many claims of death from the 'jab'.

Bill Gates was one who pushed for these new drugs to get pushed through.  Now he wants to send this death to Africa.

  • The Gates Foundation is investing $40 million to support the production of mRNA vaccines in Africa, aiming to improve vaccine equity and build vaccine self-reliance on the continent.
  • African manufacturers, including Institut Pasteur and Biovac, will use the mRNA research and manufacturing platform developed by Quantoom Biosciences to produce vaccines for diseases like Lassa fever and Rift Valley fever. This technology has the potential to make low- and middle-income countries more autonomous in terms of research and development.
  • The Gates Foundation's investment also goes towards further advancing mRNA technology and lowering costs through the development of Ntensify, a manufacturing platform by Quantoom Biosciences.

Gates Gives $40 mln to Boost Access to mRNA Vaccines in Africa

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