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Judge Limits Fossil Fuels Lawsuits

Judge Limits Fossil Fuels Lawsuits

 Seems like most state Attorneys General have nothing better to do than file frivolous virtue signalling lawsuits.  First it was lets sue gun manufacturers for the actions of the owners of said guns.

Now lets go sue Petroleum companies for so called Global Warming.  Well, I digress.  The climate of the globe changes all the time and we know we are in a warming trend right now.  We are using our maybe one or two hundred years worth of records to imply that we know how the climate works over millions and billions of years.  We then flood the airwaves wiht more and more videos and pictures of weather events to amplify the narrative that humans are the cause of the current climate change(s).  How precocious.

But that's the dumb ass Democratic party for you.


  •  Judge Mary Johnston has dismissed several claims made by Delaware's attorney general in a lawsuit against the fossil fuel industry, including claims of damages resulting from out-of-state or global greenhouse emissions and misrepresentations by the defendants.
  • The judge ruled that the state can pursue a general claim for environmental-based public nuisance and trespass for state-owned land. She also deferred a ruling on whether statements made by the American Petroleum Institute about fossil fuels are protected by the First Amendment.
  • The lawsuit was filed by Attorney General Kathleen Jennings in 2020 and joined forces with a California law firm. Chevron Corp. And API have expressed satisfaction with the judge's rulings.

Delaware judge limits scope of sweeping climate change lawsuit against fossil fuel companies

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