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Letting the State Be The Parent, Child Protective Services Gone Too Far

Letting the State Be The Parent, Child Protective Services Gone Too Far

Now, do not get me wrong, I do not believe in leaving a child in a bad environment, but I think we have let it go too far.  Honestly, my feelings are very mixed about various states' Child Protective Services Departments.

I have heard a lot of bad stories, and some good ones; but seriously.  Most of them operate against parents, sometimes at whim, outside of the Constitutional protections we are supposed to enjoy in this (used to be) great country.

Do not even ask about my childhood, especially compare to how our country has become towards giving the .gov gestapo reins.  CPS could have taken me away from my parents for about a hundred or more things.  Many of them things like this in Georgia.  I used to ride my bike and hike around for miles away from homes, no problem.  And I did this fifteen minutes east of downtown Los Angeles, 'east L.A.' was pretty much right there

"It was dinnertime on October 30, 2024, when police handcuffed Brittany Patterson in front of three of her four children and drove her to the station in Fannin County, Georgia. She was then fingerprinted, photographed, and dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

"A female sheriff picked up the boy and called Patterson. "She asked me if I knew he was downtown and I said no," says Patterson.

""I was not panicking as I know the roads and know he is mature enough to walk there without incident," says Brittany Patterson.

""She kept mentioning how he could have been run over, or kidnapped or 'anything' could have happened," recalls Patterson.

"The sheriff drove Soren home and left him with his grandfather. After returning to the house, Patterson scolded her son—and that, she thought, was that.

Mom Jailed for Letting 10-Year-Old Walk Alone to Town

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