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The Weather Underground

The Weather Underground

No, not talking about the weather website.  The original weather underground.  It was headed by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and was on the FBI's terrorist list and those two were on the FBI's most wanted list.

They were real domestic terrorists, not at all like the oft accused MAGA Republicans and especially any patriot group either.  The Weather Underground actually blew shit up and hurt and killed people in the early to mid seventies.  Bill and Bernadine were on the run and in hiding for years.  But by the time they were finally caught, things had changed and the courts decided that the FBI's evidence was mostly inadmissible.  Therefore they got off, scot free.

Years later, Barack Obama gets elected President of the United States.  He's good friends with Bill Ayers.  I think it kind of interesting that during Obama's reign, two new student militant marxist-communist movements start up again, Black Lives Matter and then later Antifa.  It makes me wonder, and wonder if Bill and Bernadine had to get out a last hurray in the autumn of their lives by lending a helping hand on how to escape arrest.

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