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Poor Kamala Sent to Kid's Table

Poor Kamala Sent to Kid's Table

 Kamala got a bit butt hurt when she wasn't included.  This is old news, but what the hell.  I saved it here in case it gets scrubbed, er, I mean labelled as mis-information at other places where they can control content.

"Facing Florida 's second Category 5 hurricane in under two weeks, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) did what he has done multiple times before. The governor picked up the phone to collaborate with the president , and for the third time in a row, the Republican and the Democrat set aside their penchant for partisanship and executed some of the more competent handling of major hurricanes in the Sunshine State's history.

For some reason, Vice President Kamala Harris managed to find a problem with this."

Biden relegates Harris back to children’s table after she tries to pick a fight with DeSantis

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