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AZ Governor Helping the Cartels

AZ Governor Helping the Cartels

Everyone that lives in Arizona that knows anything knows that Katie Hobbs is a crook.  She was the Secretary of State during her own (s)election, she laughed at the constitution, in with cartels, and illegally appoints staff.

If you followed the link about the cartels above, you'd see that Katie Hobbs allegedly took money from the cartels in Mexico to help get elected.  It would not be any huge step or 'conspiracy  theory' to say the cartels instructed anyone they control to vote for Hobbs as well.  Why not?

Here, we have two articles.  One where the Governor wanted to re-open a port of entry and the other with all the violence that sparked.

I don't know, some of the pictures are awful fuzzy for today's tech.

 Note the date of this article is December 10

"Tucson, AZ – Governor Hobbs is launching Operation SECURE (Safety, Enforcement, Coordination, & Uniform Response) to mobilize additional state resources.

"The Governor has written a letter to President Biden urging that the 243 National Guard members already in the Tucson Sector be put to use to support reopening the Lukeville Point of Entry. "

AZ Governor launches Operation SECURE | Offers National Guard for Lukeville Port of Entry

And then on December 30:

"Yesterday, border agents engaged in a shoot out with the Mexican cartel at the Lukeville port of entry. The scary scene was caught on camera."

Gun Fight at Border Causes Twitter to Demand Action From Biden Administration

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