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Race Baiting in Georgia

Race Baiting in Georgia

Oh, the good old days, the seventies.  Where it seemed like racism died and we all got along, even into the eighties.  With few holdouts, racism became a thing of the past. Then, the perception started to be changed.

 Enter President Obama, our first President with dark colored skin.  Crap, we did it.  The stink of slavery should have been washed away with that.  But no.  President Obama restocked the fires of racism, until the media caught on and decided to join in.  Now, if you just disagreed with President Obama, no matter the reason, you were a racist.  What a crock of shit, but it worked.  Now it is so entrenched that single white men are targeted and have no way out of being a racist.  Now, again, everything is seen to have some sort of racial overtures.  Personally, I am sick of it.

  • Challengers in Georgia's voting district maps case argue for more political opportunities for Black voters, while the state claims that they are trying to impose illegal racial gerrymandering. Democrats could gain seats in the House and state legislature if the challengers win.
  • The case comes after the Supreme Court upheld the interpretation of the Voting Rights Act, and a three-judge panel ruled against Alabama's attempts to redraw its congressional districts. U.S. District Judge Steve Jones is presiding over the two-week trial and could order Georgia's General Assembly to redraw districts.
  • The plaintiffs argue that Georgia's redistricting plans violate federal law, as they did not create new Black-majority districts despite a significant increase in the Black population. The defense argues that Georgia's electoral system is open to Black voters, pointing to recent election results as evidence. The state alleges that the plaintiffs' proposed plans prioritize race over other district-drawing factors.

A Georgia trial arguing redistricting harmed Black voters could decide control of a US House seat

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