News and Information

Better Stop Saying Let's Go Brandon

Better Stop Saying Let's Go Brandon

Last Sunday on MSNBC, their host claimed saying "Let's Go Brandon" is a "slow moving Insurrection".  Really.  Well it is MSNBC, so there is that.  But when is this going to stop?  When the shooting starts?

Now Here, This

Now Here, This

I guess I could say I am a three percenter.  The group I decided to join a while back was written up in the Guardian.  We got doxxed on Twitter right after 1/6/21.

Facebook and 'Fact Checking'

Facebook and 'Fact Checking'

We all know that Facebook (Meta) always has our best interests at heart, right?  That is why any time you post anything there that disagrees with the Government writ, er I mean, 'facts', it comes down and fast.


I own a Jeep.  It is my second one.  They can get you some places, I'll tell you.  They can also get you in some bad places that takes some extreme doing to get you out of if you are not careful.

Vaccine Safe?

Vaccine Safe?

So, the controyavirus vaccine has been shown to be so effective.  It is so safe they say.  Folks all over the internet just tell you to get the jab so that they will feel safe.  Yet in Japan, the story is different.

Adam Schiff Does it Again

Adam Schiff Does it Again

Adam schiff is back to his old tricks.  Just as he cherry picked and misrepresented evidence in the first impeachment hearings for President Trump, he is at it again in the Jan 6 committee.

Critical Thinking is Dangerous

With the tragic deadly plague we have been dealing with this last couple of years, I think this guy may have stumbled on to something.

Remain in Mexico Order Upheld

Remain in Mexico Order Upheld

Even though the Biden Administration has decided to throw its weight around to overturn court decisions, it seems as though this is one that will not get overturned anytime soon.

Juicy Smuliett Roast

Dave Chappel on Jussie Smollett.  Have a laugh.