News and Information

About Vaccinating the Children

About Vaccinating the Children

I found this on a forum I frequent.  I think it is a pretty awesome rebuttal to the one person's obvious rectal cranial insertion problem regarding vaccinating our children.  These are not my words.

Be Ready

A quick share of another one of my favorite YouTube channels.  Good food for thought.

In-N-Out Defies San Fransisco, Gets Shut Down

In-N-Out Defies San Fransisco, Gets Shut Down

Well, hoora for In-N-Out!  Seems as though the city of San Fransisco has implemented very strict vaccine requirements, just like most other major cities ran by Democrats across the country.

Reid Henrichs

I like this guy, he's pretty level headed and straight up.

Texas School Shooter Released on Bond

Texas School Shooter Released on Bond

This last Wednesday, October 6, 2021, an eighteen year old man opened fire with a .45 caliber handgun at a high school in Texas.  He was released the next day on a $75k bond.

Biden and the Vaccine Mandate

Here's another thing I thought I would toss out here without much commentary.  I found an article in One America Network saying Biden is doubling down on his mandate.

Why do I do this

Why do I do this

Some may ask why I do this on some little site without any real traffic on my own corner of the internet.  I need an outlet.  Somewhere I can house my thoughts, opinions, etc.

Now Parents are getting Labeled as Domestic Terrorists

Now Parents are getting Labeled as Domestic Terrorists

Maybe you haven't been paying attention.  Or worse, like me and many others, you have.  At first it was slowly, then after President Trump was elected, the divisions increased tenfold.

What is this #FJB you ask?

What is this #FJB you ask?

Well, if you haven't heard, it means F#ck Joe Biden.  It is the one thing that really is unifying the country, just as our President wanted.  It started at college football games, and grown since.