News and Information

Too bad President Biden, they have to wait in Mexico

Too bad President Biden, they have to wait in Mexico

We all know that there is a crisis at the southern border.  It is obvious why.  During the campaign, now President Biden all but invited illegal immigrants to flood the border.

Afghanistan - Who to Blame?

Afghanistan - Who to Blame?

As a sequel to my previous article, I found this forum post and thought it had such thought provoking information, that I thought to share it here.  I do not know the underlying source for the information.

Are we finally waking up about Racism?

Are we finally waking up about Racism?

It seems as though Critical Race Theory isn't quite as popular as some wish it is.  You will want to watch the video below to see what this Father had to say. 

So much for the 'Insurrection' claim

So much for the 'Insurrection' claim

The FBI has found little to no evidence that the protest on January 6, 2021 was a widely organized plot to overturn the election, let alone the Government.

Facebook is Getting Sued

Facebook is Getting Sued

Well, this is something I would not have thought would happen.  Seems as though the Federal Trade Commission is suing Facistbook in an anti-trust lawsuit to try and break up some of its control.

Afghanistan - A Solution

Afghanistan - A Solution

Afghanistan, Afghanistan, every one is talking about Afghanistan.  Seems like we all are falling all over ourselves deciding who to blame, President Biden, or former President Trump.

Jim Caviezel's Speech

Jim Caviezel's Speech

A few days ago, actor Jim Caviezel was interviewed.  Seems like he made a bit of a stir.  Watch his fairly impassioned (pun intended) speech here:

Fact check this Snopes

Fact check this Snopes

“You can always take an existing article and rewrite it just enough to avoid copyright infringement."  That is a quote at the top of the linked article.  Is it attributed to Snopes co-founder, David Mikkelson?

The President is Lost

The President is Lost

This is what happens when you hold the highest office in the land.  The scrutiny is fierce as is the nit-picking commentary.  Sounds like folks are jumping on this "Biden got lost" wagon.