News and Information

The Controlyavirus Vaccine Mandate

The Controlyavirus Vaccine Mandate

I just do not learn.  This morning I had to watch a clip of last night's speech by President Biden about the Controlyavirus.  I've been trying not to start my days on a negative note.  Epic fail.

Looks Like we Won One-Chipman NominationWwithdrawn

Looks Like we Won One-Chipman NominationWwithdrawn

I am among the many who wrote their representatives and mainly Senators to oppose the nomination of David Chipman to head the ATF.  If you did too, good.  If you didn't,

More Trouble for Fauci (2)

More Trouble for Fauci (2)

Interesting.  So I came across this info today and published it in my previous article.  Got home from work today and was watching the dude from Blue Collar Logic, Jason Siler.  Here is what he had to say:

More Trouble for Fauci

More Trouble for Fauci

It seems as though Mr. Fauci (at this point, I will not call him a Dr.) has more problems surfacing around the Controlyavirus.  The Intercept released a report on Monday revealing more about Fauci.

That pesky Supreme Court not obeying the President

That pesky Supreme Court not obeying the President

We know the Democrats act like they wish the constitution did not exist.  It seems as thought the President isn't happy with the Supreme Court's recent decision on abortion.

The Guns Left in Afghanistan

The Guns Left in Afghanistan

This is a letter to every single politician who favors any form of gun control at all.  I am of the opinion that all gun control laws are repugnant to the Constitution. Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. (1 Cr.) 137 (1803)

Trust the Science, they say.  The vaccine is totally safe they say.

Trust the Science, they say. The vaccine is totally safe they say.

Every one has seen or read a story about health problems connected to one of the Controlyavirus vaccines.  Of course, lots of rumors fly around as well as the usual 'conspiracy theory' accusations by the left.

The Religion of the Illuminati

The Religion of the Illuminati

A conversation came up on a Patriot channel the other day about the Globalists and the Jews.  I opined that the Rothschild's are Satanist and not Jews and linked my previous Illuminati article.

Ashli Babbitt's killer

Ashli Babbitt's killer

I know this news is already out there.  Sometimes half the reason I create these articles is to keep my bookmarks folder from becoming unwieldy, this way I have a reminder why I saved a story.