News and Information

It was never about Climate Change

It was never about Climate Change

So, our new President shut down construction on the XL Pipeline in the name of climate change.

Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't sink any lower

Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't sink any lower

Folks, some of you have seen me post links to these guys' videos many times.

So, Joe and Hunter never did anything wrong, right?

So, Joe and Hunter never did anything wrong, right?

For so long, President Biden denied any wrong doing or connection to his son, Hunter's, er, 'business dealings'.

Meanwhile, Canada tightens their grip, moving to Totalitarianism

Meanwhile, Canada tightens their grip, moving to Totalitarianism

As we watch America slide towards Socialism, Canada is well on their way.  Their Prime Minister has proposed some new laws.

Does Stuart Rhodes actually work for the Government?

Does Stuart Rhodes actually work for the Government?

If you don't know who Stuart Rhodes is, he is the founder of the Oath Keepers.  But could he actually work for the .gov? Here is an article that suggests just that.

Hey Cancel Culture, Cancel these guys!  Oh yeah, you already failed.

Hey Cancel Culture, Cancel these guys! Oh yeah, you already failed.

Toyota, of all companies, is telling the cancel culture to go . . . cancel itself.

You thought voter fraud didn't or doesn't happen?

You thought voter fraud didn't or doesn't happen?

Texas has over 500 cases of voter fraud it is still investigating.

Are you Prepared for Food Shortages?

Are you Prepared for Food Shortages?

As many folks saw early in 2020, sometimes shelves can empty of the stupidest things.

Recent talk of Gasoline Shortages are False.  Sort of.

Recent talk of Gasoline Shortages are False. Sort of.

The facts are, this gasoline 'shortage' has been going on for a few months.