News and Information

Space: The Current Frontier

Space: The Current Frontier

I have often wondered why we stopped at the moon.  I watched the July, 1969 moon landing live as a nine year old.  We did it.  Sure it become routine, mainly because we never really set our sights beyond landing a human.

The Simple Truth

The Simple Truth

In 2012 or so, I had a sticker made that said, "Take our country back, vote out the incumbents."  That's a big reason I voted for Donald Trump in 2016.  And he held up his end.  Well, this is a video Jason Siler did about him.

Only in California (Forever)

Only in California (Forever)

It is kind of comical the way things are these days.  All this 'social justice' hearkens back to the 'peace, love and joy' of the sixties.  Funny that.  Most of those 'hippies' who tried to create a utopia (commune) grew up.

Ivermectin Refused in Canada

Ivermectin Refused in Canada

I've been seeing these drug commercials for a controlyavirus 'medicine'.  It goes something like, "If it's Covid, Paxlovid" showing a woman saying that as she looks at some home test result, obviously a controlyavirus test.

I'm a Polish-German-Anglo American

I'm a Polish-German-Anglo American

So in our new world our old souls have to keep up with the latest lingo.  Let's talk about the hyphenation 'thing'.  We've got African-Americans. Asian Americans.  Pacific Islander Americans.  And Native Americans.

Multi State Border Event

Multi State Border Event

 The 'problem' at our southern border is becoming a bit more than just immigration and more an invasion.  Only because of the huge numbers and ease of 'crossing' under the current adinistration.

Jill Biden: Stop Picking on My Men

Jill Biden: Stop Picking on My Men

 Since Joe is such a pathetic frail old man who has absolutely lost sight of reality and the son who is absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt in bad trouble with himself mostly; Jill Biden to the rescue!

Judge Limits Fossil Fuels Lawsuits

Judge Limits Fossil Fuels Lawsuits

 Seems like most state Attorneys General have nothing better to do than file frivolous virtue signalling lawsuits.  First it was lets sue gun manufacturers for the actions of the owners of said guns.

Telling the Truth About Biden Dangerous

Telling the Truth About Biden Dangerous

 I've got to ask.  Am I the only one who sees how upside down Justice is in this country, and worse how little the democrats care about it? It is certainly not lost on the U.K.  But somehow, we just sit here and take it.