News and Information

Something Finally Makes Sense

Something Finally Makes Sense

With all the lies and constant attacks on Republicans, because we all want to get along, I am stunned to see this administration allow something that actually makes sense.

Second Amendment Law in Missouri Struck Down

Second Amendment Law in Missouri Struck Down

There have been some states over the last few years passing their own second amendment laws attempting to restrict enforcement of Federal gun control laws.  The second, ninth and tenth amendment prohibit gun control.

Biden Blocks More Oil

Biden Blocks More Oil

We remember the Keystone project that President Biden shut down on his first day, right?  But nothing to see here, all the economic woes we have now are the fault of the previous administration, at least when it's bad.

Counseling for Transgenders

Counseling for Transgenders

This could be a real hot topic insomuch as it can create a lot of controversy.  For me, it is clear what the Bible says.  It is clear why Sodom and Gomorrah where destroyed.  What is not clear is how we are to take it today.

Biden in Selma

Biden in Selma

Good old President Joe.  Always good far a gaff.  Or laugh.  If only.  He took a trip to Selma, AL recently to visit on the aniversary of "Bloody Sunday" to again show how he has always been in favor of civil rights.

Biden Had Cancer, Nothing to See Here

Biden Had Cancer, Nothing to See Here

Just take yourself back say, four years.  The President's name would have been Donald J. Trump.  How many times was his medical record examined in the court of public opinion?  What would have happened with cancer?

Don't Separate Families

Don't Separate Families

I will not deny it.  I have been arrested a couple few times in my life.  Mostly for not showing up for some traffic ticket usually related to registration, insurance, or a light bulb.  Every time I was separated from family.

Biden Run After All?

Biden Run After All?

In classic President Biden standard operating procedure, his wife has notified the press that 'He is not done' and intends to run again for President after all.

Israel-More West Bank Violence

Israel-More West Bank Violence

Looks like more violence broke out in the West Bank recently.  The situation in Israel is complex, yet pretty simple.  After years and years of random rocket attacks from the Gaza strip, as well as scores of attacks coming