News and Information

Because it is Trump Part 2

Because it is Trump Part 2

Well, the hits keep on coming.  And, as we've seen so many times before over the last fifty or so years now, a good fall guy is priceless.  Republicans, Democrats, didn't used to matter.  Both used them.

Biden Halts Illegals

Biden Halts Illegals

This is something to see.  I mean, President Biden has been going to great lengths to allow as many southern border crossers as possible a free ride into our country for quite a while.

Because It Is Trump

Because It Is Trump

It seems as though they just will not let go of President Trump.  I mean, to what end?  When will it end?  We have the whole lowdown on the conspiracy to hide the Hunter Biden laptop story, still a free pass.

New Travel Restrictions From China

New Travel Restrictions From China

Way back in January, 2020, when the Controyavirus was first 'announced', President Trump placed a travel ban on travelers from China.  Boy, oh boy did he catch hell for that.

Katie Hobbs Laughs at Constitution

Katie Hobbs Laughs at Constitution

I am so angry right now.  Can you believe this?  She laughs through the parts where she is swearing to uphold the Constitution.  This is the new Democratic Party folks.  A one party system is what we have now.

Trump's Immigration Limits Kept in Place

Trump's Immigration Limits Kept in Place

Too bad, so sad President Biden.  No, this isn't breaking news now as the picture states, I'm old and slow.  President Trump's limits on asylum due to the Controlyavirus are not going away.

Get the Jab, Video Shows How Effective

Get the Jab, Video Shows How Effective

Here's a quick short because I can.  I hope you find the irony as I have. It is too damn bad that harldy anyone cares.  The world is too glued to their devices to care about anything.  Their devices tell them what to think.

January 6, 2021 What if We Were Armed?

January 6, 2021 What if We Were Armed?

A litte while ago Marjorie Taylor Greene at the New York Young Republican Club made a statement about the January 6, 2021 Election Protest in Washington D.C.  It seems that even though she had only been in Congress

Let's Circle Back Around to The Twitter Censorship

Let's Circle Back Around to The Twitter Censorship

Oh boy.  We need to do something here folks.  Or not.  You have heard about the Twitter censorship during the 2020 election, right?  You know, the censorship that caused left wing folks all over the country