News and Information

Mohave County Supervisor Certifies Under Duress

Mohave County Supervisor Certifies Under Duress

 Kari Lake on her Twitter account released this news about Mohave County:

Going to the Moon Again

Going to the Moon Again

There have been some rumors that the Moon landing fifty years ago was a hoax.  I don't know, I watched the damn thing live on TV, so . . .

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Jumps Ship

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Jumps Ship

Senator Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic Party last Friday and is claiming as Independent status.  This will certainly shake things up in D.C. for the next Congress.

Mr. Fauci and His Trolls

Mr. Fauci and His Trolls

Mr. Fauci has retired, finally.  I have said many times that he does not deserve to be called a doctor, so I do not.  If you are not aware of his many many many misdeeds and lies, here's a start.

California Reparations

California Reparations

And over in California, Governor Newsom's Reparations Task Force has determined that some Black residents of California could be owed over $200k each because of discriminatory housing practices.

Twitter Conspiracy Revealed

Twitter Conspiracy Revealed

Remember that 'conspiracy theory' called Hunter Biden's laptop?  You know, the one the Democrats claimed was nothing but some Q-Anon style conspiracy theory?  Not so fast thanks to Elon Musk.

Alex Jones Files Bankruptcy

Alex Jones Files Bankruptcy

I have said often if there really is the "Illuminati" and I was part of it, I/we'd have Alex Jones on our payroll.  The way he sees a conspiracy under every single rock is why.  It gets ridiculous and gives the left ammo.

Bad Day in Court For President Trump

Bad Day in Court For President Trump

Some time back, President Trump's MIra-Lago home was raided by the Justice Department with claims of top secret documents still in his possession.  There had been a decision to have a special master sort them first.

Cashing in on Climate Change

Cashing in on Climate Change

This one will just make you shrug your shoulders and go, WTF?  Three tribes are getting $25 million each to help them relocate away from the coast be they might be at risk due to 'Climate Change'.